to May 9

Frontiers in Adult Education Research: Applying Process Data Techniques to the PIAAC Dataset

This is a conference on May 8th and workshop on May 9th.

The conference will highlight interdisciplinary research in adult education, large-scale assessments, and data science techniques. Attendees can look forward to talks, poster presentations, and ample networking opportunities. This event aims to inspire educational researchers, policymakers, and instructors by showcasing insights provided by PIAAC and the potential of large-scale assessments in adult education. The conference will showcase adult education research that includes PIAAC and uses innovative process data techniques. Poster submission link (posters due by March 31):

The half-day workshop (May 9th) will introduce how to analyze process data in large-scale assessments using PIAAC as an example.

Event Website:

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8:00 AM08:00

COABE Conference: Is Numeracy as Important as Literacy? What Does PIAAC Data Tell Us and What’s Next?

While literacy is an important skill for adults in the 21st century, less attention is paid to numeracy, which is an even more important factor that contributes to success in education and in the labor force. PIAAC data show the U.S. is performing lower in numeracy compared with peers in other countries, particularly the young adults. Join us to learn more about the significant findings of adult numeracy performance.

Presenters: Alex Lesniak and Katie Herz, American Institutes for Research

Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center | Nashville, TN 37214

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2:30 PM14:30

American Association of Community Colleges

What percentage of adults in your area have essential educational and foundational workplace skills? What implications does this data have in your recruitment plans and allocation of educational resources for upskilling your students and helping them in furthering their education? Based on a large nationally representative sample, U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data and PIAAC Skills Map allows you to learn about skill levels of adults in your area and help you to answer these questions.

"Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in your Area" | Emily Pawlowski

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to Apr 5

Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) 2023

  • Atlanta Marriott Marquis (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Do you know the percentage of adults in your county with less than a high school education who have low literacy skills, or the percentage of adults aged 35 – 44 who have high numeracy skills? This session will explore these types of questions in the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map. Participants will also learn how to use the map to inform adult education and workforce training programs.

Presented by Alex Lesniak

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4:15 PM16:15

ProLiteracy 2022 Conference: How Can the U.S. PIAAC State and County Literacy and Numeracy Results Be Used?

The U.S. PIAAC Skills Map provides state and county data on the literacy and numeracy skills of adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). This session will provide an overview of the data and demonstration of the tool as well as supporting resources from ProLiteracy to help use local statistics and program success data to advocate with public and private stakeholders.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski, American Institutes for Research and Michele Diecuch, ProLiteracy

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4:45 PM16:45

South Dakota Association for Lifelong Learning - 2022 Summer Summit: Explore the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in South Dakota

Are you interested in learning about adult skills in your area?  How does your county’s skill level compare to other counties? What implications does this have for your program? This session will help you answer these questions and more using the many features of the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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12:00 PM12:00

Illinois Adult Education Association Virtual Conference: Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Illinois

Are you interested in learning about adult skills in your area?  How does your county’s skill level compare to other counties? What implications does this have for your program? This session will help you answer these questions and more using the many features of the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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9:00 AM09:00

2022 Virtual Connecticut Association of Adult and Continuing Education Conference: What are the Skills of Adults in Connecticut?

Are you interested in knowing more about literacy and numeracy skills of the population in Connecticut?  Do you know how the skills of adults in your county compares to neighboring counties? What implications does this have for your program or how you teach? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions and more using the many features of the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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12:30 PM12:30

PIAAC Research Webinar Series: Assessed Skills and Skill Use of Adults with Learning Disabilities in PIAAC

What are the numeracy and digital problem-solving skills of U.S. adults with learning disabilities (LD)? How do adults with LD use their skills at work and at home? How do their skills compare with the skills of general population? What is the role of co-existing health and disabling conditions (e.g., vision and auditory difficulties as well as permanent disability)?

Please join us on February 10th, 2022, for a presentation and discussion on findings from a recent Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) research paper authored by Margaret Patterson. Using the combined 2012/14/17 U.S. PIAAC data of over 12,000 participants, Margaret explored the relationships between several demographic characteristics, skill levels, and skill use of U.S. adults with LD in different settings and employment status.

Presenter: Margaret Becker Patterson, PhD, Research Allies for Lifelong Learning
Discussant: Laura Weisel, PhD, The TLP Group: PowerPath to Education & Employment – Align & Redesign
Moderator: Stephanie Cronen, PhD, American Institutes for Research


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3:30 PM15:30

Michigan Adult Education Conference (MACAE) 2021 Conference: Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Michigan

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski and Jaleh Soroui , American Institutes for Research

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3:00 PM15:00

Virginia Association for Adult and Continuing Education (VAACE) 2021 Conference: Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Saida Mamedova, American Institutes for Research

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10:30 AM10:30

Minnesota Community Education Association (MCEA) 2021 Conference: Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski , American Institutes for Research

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to Oct 8

American Association for Adult and Continuing Education 2021 Conference Presentation: Exploring Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in States and Counties

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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10:30 AM10:30

Wisconsin Literacy Fall Conference: Exploring the Literacy Skills of Adults in Your State and County

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski and Saida Mamedova, American Institutes for Research

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11:30 AM11:30

Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education 2021 Conference Presentation: Exploring Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Indiana

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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8:45 AM08:45

ProLiteracy Conference 2021 Presentation: Adults with Learning Disability: Numeracy/Online Skill Use

This interactive session shares recent research on numeracy and digital literacy skills and skill use for U.S. adults with learning disabilities (LD). 2012-2014-2017 PIAAC assessed adults’ skills and reported on use of skills. Knowing how employed adults with LD use these skills at work and how those outside the workforce use them at home will assist adult educators in understanding what to expect from adult learners with LD and how to enhance skill use.

Event website:

Presenter: Margaret Patterson

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2:15 PM14:15

ProLiteracy Conference 2021 Presentation: National Research on Basic Skills Correctional Education

This session shares new national research on basic skills in corrections. Findings on recidivism and incarcerated adult participation in basic skills and HSE from PIAAC, state NRS data, and state recidivism rates. Findings cover learning outcomes and how recidivism relates to correctional education participation. Educations will discuss recommendations in group breakouts.

Event website:

Presenter: Margaret Patterson

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12:30 PM12:30

PIAAC Research Webinar Series: Do Immigrants Experience Education-Job Mismatch? New Evidence from the U.S. PIAAC

On September 14th, please join the American Institutes for Research (AIR) for a presentation and discussion on findings from a recent Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) research paper that investigates the factors associated with education-job mismatches (i.e., when a worker’s education level is above or below the average level for their occupation) among immigrant and native workers. In the paper, the authors used the U.S. PIAAC 2012/2014 data to address the following research questions:
• What is the extent of education-job mismatch for workers by immigrant generation?
• What factors are associated with overeducation for immigrant workers?

The researchers document the patterns of education-job mismatch and analyze how the incidence of mismatch differs by demographic characteristics among U.S.-born and foreign-born workers. The findings indicate that overeducation is more prevalent among foreign-born workers and second-generation workers (i.e., those whose parents are foreign-born). The authors also find that a good command of English mitigates the chances of overeducation for immigrant workers while the length of stay in the United States does not.

Registrants will have the opportunity to participate in small and large group discussions during the webinar.

Presenters: Margarita Pivovarova and Jeanne M. Powers, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University
Discussant: Robert Lerman, Institute Fellow, Urban Institute
Moderator: Stephen Provasnik, International Activities Branch Chief, National Center for Education Statistics

AIR PIAAC commissioned papers are funded through a contract with the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the U.S. Department of Education.

Click here to register:

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11:00 AM11:00

Literacy Action Network 2021 Summer Institute Presentation: Exploring the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications do these data have for adult education? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions using the U.S. Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Skills Map.

Presenters: Emily Pawlowski and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

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9:45 AM09:45

Missouri Association for Adult Continuing and Community Education 2021 Conference Presentation: Exploring Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County

Do you know what percentage of adults in your area have low literacy or numeracy skills? What implications does this have for your program or how you teach? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions and more using the many capabilities of U.S. PIAAC Skills Map. 

Presenters: Saida Mamedova (American Institutes for Research) and Emily Pawlowski (American Institutes for Research)

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11:15 AM11:15

Alabama Association for Public Continuing and Adult Education 2021 Conference Presentation: What Are the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County?

Are you interested in knowing more about literacy and numeracy skills of the population in your area?  Do you know how your county compares to neighboring counties in Alabama? What implications does this have for your program or how you teach? This session is focused on helping you answer these questions and more using the many features of the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map.

Presenter: Emily Pawlowski, American Institutes for Research

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to May 21

Maryland Association for Adult Community and Continuing Education

What Are the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County?

As of April 2020, estimates of the literacy and numeracy skills of U.S. adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) are available for all states and counties. This session will demonstrate the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map, an interactive, user-friendly tool that shows these estimates. The Skills Map allows users to compare the estimates of any county to those of its state or compare the estimates of any state to the national estimates. It also allows users to compare the estimates for any two counties or for any two states. Examples on how you can effectively use this tool for funding and policy decisions on targeting the population most in-need will be provided.  This session will focus solely on numeracy skills.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

For more information about state and county estimates, please visit U.S. State and County Estimates on the NCES website.

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12:00 PM12:00

Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education (IAACE) 2021 Virtual Institute: What Are the Basic Skills of Adults in Your Area?

What Are the Basic Skills of Adults in Your Area?

AIR staff will present the following session at the Indiana Association for Adult and Continuing Education (IAACE) 2021 Virtual Institute:

What Are the Basic Skills of Adults in Your Area?

As of April 2020, estimates of the literacy and numeracy skills of U.S. adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) are available for all states and counties. This session will demonstrate the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map, an interactive, user-friendly tool that shows these estimates. The Skills Map allows users to compare the estimates of any county to those of its state or compare the estimates of any state to the national estimates. It also allows users to compare the estimates for any two counties or for any two states. Examples on how you can effectively use this tool for funding and policy decisions on targeting the population most in-need will be provided.  This session will focus solely on numeracy skills.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

For more information about state and county estimates, please visit U.S. State and County Estimates on the NCES website.

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7:15 PM19:15

Comparative & International Education Society (CIES) 2021 Conference Presentation: A cross-national comparison of gender gaps in numeracy skills

This paper presentation takes a more in depth look at gender gaps in numeracy, examining whether these skill differences between men and women exist across different demographics and employment characteristics. It presents these results from an international perspective, looking at which countries have comparatively smaller or larger numeracy skills gap by gender, and determining among which demographic and employment-related groups these differences between men and women are largest.

Presenter: Emily Pawlowski, American Institutes for Research

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3:00 PM15:00

Florida Literacy Conference (FLC) Presentation: Exploring the Skills of Adults in Your State and County

AIR staff will present the following session at the Florida Literacy Conference (FLC):

Exploring the Skills of Adults in Your State and County

As of April 2020, estimates of the literacy and numeracy skills of U.S. adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) are available for all states and counties. This session will demonstrate the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map, an interactive, user-friendly tool that shows these estimates. The Skills Map allows users to compare the estimates of any county to those of its state or compare the estimates of any state to the national estimates. It also allows users to compare the estimates for any two counties or for any two states. Examples on how you can effectively use this tool for funding and policy decisions on targeting the population most in-need will be provided.  This session will focus solely on numeracy skills.

Presenters: Katie Herz and Alex Lesniak, American Institutes for Research

For more information about state and county estimates, please visit U.S. State and County Estimates on the NCES website.

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to Apr 23

California Council for Adult Education (CCAE) 2021 Conference Presentation: How to access literacy & numeracy skills of adults in your area with the PIAAC Skills Map

How to access literacy & numeracy skills of adults in your area with the PIAAC Skills Map

The U.S. PIAAC Skills Map provides state and county data on the literacy and numeracy skills of adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC). This session will provide an overview of the data and demonstration of the tool.

Presenter: Jaleh Soroui, American Institutes for Research

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1:15 PM13:15

Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education 2021 Conference Presentation: What are the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Adults in Your State and County?

What Are the Basic Skills of Adults in Your Area?

As of April 2020, estimates of the literacy and numeracy skills of U.S. adults using data from the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) are available for all states and counties. This session will demonstrate the U.S. PIAAC Skills Map, an interactive, user-friendly tool that shows these estimates. The Skills Map allows users to compare the estimates of any county to those of its state or compare the estimates of any state to the national estimates. It also allows users to compare the estimates for any two counties or for any two states. Examples on how you can effectively use this tool for funding and policy decisions on targeting the population most in-need will be provided.  This session will focus solely on numeracy skills.

Presenter: Katie Herz , American Institutes for Research

For more information about state and county estimates, please visit U.S. State and County Estimates on the NCES website.

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